Friday, January 04, 2008

IA and Corrections Sentencing

I tend to agree with Doug Berman’s sentiments here on the first take of the implications of the IA caucus results on corrections sentencing issues, but with a couple of caveats. Huckabee is going to hammered in SC on his “soft on crime” stance. If he survives that (assuming he is still the frontrunner after non-Fundamentalist NH on Tuesday), then we can talk a little more about a Huckabee policy landscape. Obama may have great papers, but his claim to fame is how he’s going to work with the Republicans to get things done, not separate from them. That sounds like compromise that will end up with something closer to Hillary than the voters may be thinking. Right now, as bizarre as it sounds, it may be that the best news for corrections sentencing policy on the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday in November this year would be a Huckabee White House and a Democratic Congress. (I better go put on an iron diaper because I have a feeling that one’s going to come back to bite me.)

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